Friday, May 14, 2010

I Think He's Under The Influence...

Let me begin by thanking Midday Escapades, One2Try, and HeartsMakeFamilies for hosting Friday Follow...

My name is Kathy, aka, MiMi... Welcome to my little blog about my two grandchildren, Madison Elizabeth, age 3 1/2, and Caden, age 17 months. The two are cousins, and belong to my two oldest children who happen to live very close to me. I usually take turns writing about the adventures of my "grands".

I hope you enjoy your visit here. If you will let me know that you were here, I'll return your visit. Thanks for hopping by...MiMi

Today is Cade's turn to be in the spotlight...

I am not sure that I've mentioned it in a while, but Caden's mama loves monkeys. His nursery is decorated in monkeys...He had at least one monkey-themed baby shower...He has numerous monkey toys...He has a monkey Easter basket...

He has a monkey "lovie" that he sleeps with, monkey blankets, and he has monkey shoes, monkey socks, and monkey clothes. I never knew there were so many things with monkeys on them...

Lately, Caden has been exhibiting new climbing tendencies...He climbs on chairs, he climbs on couches, he climbs on counters, he climbs up sliding boards--backwards...I even caught him trying to climb the book shelves the other day! My theory? I believe the boy is under the influence of all of those monkeys!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"You Don't Know..."

I look at this picture of granddaughter, Madison, and I can almost "see" the future...Telephone to ear, pink painted fingernails...and already very opinionated!

One morning this week, I think I also "heard" a little bit of the future...Madison was chattering to me about how she was going to go to spend the night with Nana (her other grandma). When I began asking Madison about it, her mother spoke up and said "No, she's not spending the night with Nana." Then I possibly "heard" a little bit of the future when Madison replied to her mother..."You don't know..."

If Maddie's not even four yet, and she already thinks she knows more than her mother...what does the future hold? Grab those reins of life and hold on Brandy...this may be a bumpy ride.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Little Helper...

One of the good things--or bad sometimes--in having Madison living next-door is ...we always have a helper! If she sees my hubby and me in the yard, she wants to be there, too.

She loves to help feed the dogs, rabbits, and fish. She's very careful and precise in dumping the food into the dogs careful that the dogs get impatient sometimes!

Her newest way of helping is to water the flowers. She does good for about a minute--man, she'll blow the blossoms right off those flowers with a stream of water--then her mind begins to wander...She'll begin to she'll begin to water everything except the flowers. Her mom says Madison cannot multi-task! I guess her humming affects her aim!

It's okay, Madison, the entire yard can use a little watering...and your shoes needed rinsing, too...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekend Update...

It was a busy weekend in "our neck of the woods". Saturday was the 34th annual Glennville Sweet Onion Parade and Festival. The day begins with several "runs" being held, followed by the parade, followed by the festival. You gotta' love it when your town is famous for an onion!

I didn't attend any of the Onion Festival activities this year, but Caden was in the parade. I'd love to track down a photograph of the float that he rode on. His mama helps run a pre-school called "Little Rascals". Every year they have a float in the parade--and every year Caden gets to ride on it.

The photograph above is me, my daughter, Brandy, and her daughter, Madison-- all wearing our new Onion Festival T-shirts.