Sunday, October 30, 2011

Madison Visits The Fair...2011

The fair was in nearby Statesboro last weekend.  On Saturday afternoon, Madison's parents surprised her with a trip to the fair on the day before her birthday.

It just so happened that my husband, Ed, and I were going to Statesboro to do a little bit of shopping that day.  We decided to take a little detour from our shopping, so we could watch Madison ride a few rides at the fair.  I know that opportunities like these will become scarce as Madison continues to grow older.

Madison started out riding some of the smaller kiddie rides.  She rode a few of those and enjoyed them, but soon she wanted to move on to "bigger and better" (in her opinion) rides.  I remembered her feeling the same way last year, too, but she wasn't tall enough to ride most of the bigger rides then!

I was a little surprised when Madison chose to ride "the swings".  This was one amusement ride that always intimidated me as a child, but it didn't seem to phase Madison a bit.  In fact, she had a great big grin on her face every time she came flying by us.

I thought Madison had surely lost her mind when she looked at this ride, known as "The Crazy Mouse", and said that she wanted to ride it.  We weren't even sure she was tall enough!  It turned out that Madison was tall enough, and she earned  my respect when she endured a ride on "The Crazy Mouse"--the day before her fifth birthday!

I don't know if I'll ever have another opportunity to attend the fair with Madison or not, but I learned one thing this year.  She will ride just about anything that moves!  What a girl!