This little fellow, Caden, is turning into quite a character. I love it when children are beginning to develop their personalities like he is doing now. He's a busy, quiet, and happy little fellow.
The other night he and his parents were at our house, along with the rest of our grown children and their families.
Cade was playing with the Handy Many tool box that he's loved and played with for the past 9 months. When you press the button on the front of the tool box, it plays the catchy theme from the show and the tools dance up and down.
When the music began playing all of us in the room would clap with the music. Cade stood in the middle of the room and looked at each of us as we clapped and smiled. At first he looked surprised...
He was getting obvious pleasure out of watching us clap, but you could tell he was wondering what was going on..this went on for five or six rounds of the music playing, and Cade was enjoying each new round more than the previous one.
Suddenly, as a joke, we decided to stop clapping and just sit there when the music came on and played. The look on Cade's face was priceless! He had a puzzled look... He suddenly ran over to his daddy as if to say "I don't understand, help me!" We all burst into laughter!
Oh, little grandchildren are so precious, and they sure do bring laughter and excitement wherever they go...
Speaking of laughter and excitement--Lynn at Midday Escapades is the winner of my weekend giveaway. Hopefully the prize of the coloring set and the plush bunny will bring some laughter and excitement into her home! Congratulations, Lynn, and thanks for playing along...