If you are looking for a normal, typical Not Me, Monday post...you won't find it here. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I feel the need to write Not Me Monday...The Thankful Edition
As I sat in my kitchen on Saturday night, with all of my family gathered around the kitchen table--so many of us that the table over-flowed--all of them healthy, happy, employed, and with loved ones of their own, I realized how blessed I am. I do not deserve all of these blessings, Not Me, but I thank you, Lord, for your bountiful blessings on our family.
As I sat in church yesterday with two of my three grown children and their families, I thought how fortunate and blessed I am. I have all three of my grown children living within 1/2 of a mile of me...I know that this is a rare phenomenon and I know that I am extremely blessed...I do not deserve these blessings, Not Me, but the Lord has blessed me so! Thank you, Lord, for letting our family stay close together.
All three of my grown children still worship and serve at the same church that they grew up in. So many of the young people who grew up in our church have now moved away...I do not deserve these blessings, Not Me, but praise the Lord, He has given them to me. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to be abe to share worship with my children as they raise their families.
As I sat in church watching Madison sing with the small group of children at the front of the church, I thought how blessed I was to be able to sit and watch her sing in front of the church for the very first time. I do not deserve these blessings, Not Me, but praise the Lord, He has blessed me so, and I am so grateful.
As I sat in church holding Cade while he peacefully slept on my shoulder during the sermon, I thought again how blessed I was to be experiencing the feeling of holding a baby against my chest in church again. I do not deserve these blessings, Not Me, but praise the Lord, He has given them to me. Thank you, Lord, for giving me the opportuntiy to experience being a Christian grandmother.
And if everything changed tomorrow, and any or all of these blessings were no more...I would say thank you Lord for being merciful to me a sinner, who deserves nothing, but who has been blessed with so much...
Eternally grateful, Kathy