Remember the little song from church called "Oh Be Careful"? You know the one...Oh, be careful little eyes what you see...and Oh be careful little ears what you hear... Well, that song is stuck in my head this week because of Madison. She's 2 years and 9 months old and soaking up her surroundings like a sponge! Almost daily, she does or says something that reflects her surroundings.
Brandy is an excellent mother and monitors the television very carefully. She's an expert on children's television. She's basically given up watching her shows until Madison is asleep. Ah, the wonder of dvr or whatever it is called now. Unfortunately, Brandy can only control what goes on inside of her house...
One day we noticed Madison playing with her Barbies and she was making them kiss. We couldn't help but wonder where in the world had she seen this??? Somebody's house that had soap operas playing? Who knows...
Some of her latest phrases have been "Don't you do it!" (her mother's), "Knock it off!" (don't know) and unfortunately, I guess I'll have to take credit for the latest new phrase..."tail hole".
We were riding in the car this week and Madison was playing with her Barbies and her Curious George monkey in the backseat. She was chattering away and I thought I heard something like, "go away you tail hole monkey!" I mentioned this to Brandy, we listened and sure enough Madison repeated it. It was then that Brandy informed me that I could take credit for the words "tail hole"! I didn't even realize I said that, but thinking back, I know I have. So now I have that little song stuck in my head..."Oh be careful little mouth what you say..." On the bright side, at least I don't say #sshole....