Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2011 Easter Happiness...by Caden

Easter happiness is gathering together with family, to color eggs at MiMi's house--and getting to stand up in the kitchen chair while doing it!

and it's dropping that first boiled egg into a cup of egg dye...ker plunk!

Happiness is also making a little mess with the egg dye...before deciding that I'd really rather go outside to play!

Easter happiness is...eating one of Brandy's Easter cookies with a popscicle stick!

Easter happiness is...emptying the entire bag of goodies, from MiMi and E, to see what all is in there!

and best of all, Easter happiness is finding those hidden Easter eggs...in the strangest places!


LynnMarie said...

Looks like you had a blast! I'm so glad.

Empty Nester said...

What a great time! This is the first year we didn't dye eggs---we were all just so glad to be together that we played more games and talked and laughed than anything else.

Baba said...

Hi Kathy, it looks like your Easter was a good one as was ours..spending time with the grands is always a special time..I enjoyed your post below showing your grand in Easters past... so cute..have a good day.
Hugs, Baba