Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Been Missing My Maddie...

I haven't exactly been feeling like myself for the past 3 weeks. I've been having migrane headaches, having trouble sleeping, and just generally feeling lousy(medication withdrawal). As a result, I haven't seen Madison very much.
Madison only knows one volume on her voice control box--loud! That's not what one feels like hearing when experiencing or overing a migrane...
Bless her heart, she's been trying to figure all of this out in her little mind. She tearfully told me on Saturday..."mama won't let me come over." My heart nearly broke. I wonder what in the world she's been thinking...
Hopefully, these headaches and other crap will soon subside. I'm ready to get back to life with my favorite "little ones".


2cats said...

Migraine pain is just about the worst pain there is. I will pray that yours end quickly.

LC said...

@2cats - amen