I spent an entire Saturday in March, wading all over that pond cleaning out unwanted rocks that had gotten knocked in over the years...
Cade comes to visit, and guess where his favorite spot in the whole yard is...the fish pond! Guess what Cade wants to do when he gets to the fish pond....
You probably guessed it...throw rocks into the pond! If you look closely you will see the splash that the rock made as it hit the water...Well, boys will be boys...I guess I'll just have to spend another Saturday wading in that nasty pond again---but I'll wait until the water clears, and I can see my feet again!
Water is like a magnet to little boys! And, with the rocks...well...!
We live on the Bay and we spend half the Spring de-rocking our wade in area. The grandkids come over and throw as many as they can manage back INTO the water-lol...don't ya love it? NanaDiana
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