Thursday, May 27, 2010

There Must Be An Epidemic...

I got a phone call yesterday morning from Cade's mama. She told me that Cade had been sick overnight with a fever. She asked if I would pick up some Children's Tylenol and some Children's Motrin when I went into town. I assured her that I would.

I didn't think very much about it when I went to the first dollar store and there weren't any liquid children's medications on the shelves. I just thought they hadn't had a chance to restock the shelves.

However, by the time I got to the fourth store, and found the same empty shelves, I was sure our little town must be in the midst of a major epidemic of sick babies and children! I finally found a bottle of Children's Ibuprofen and bought it.

I took the medicine to Cade's mama and told her "Wow, something serious must be going around among the children in our town!" She then explained the recall for Children's Tylenol, and Motrin. I'd completely forgotten about it. Whew...what a relief! I was getting ready to take the grandkids and flee...


NanaDiana said...

Amazing! Hope Cade is feeling better soon. And remember when people used to give their kids aspirin and think nothing about it? I was always one to NOT medicate unless I absolutely had to..and I am the same way now with the gkids.

Christina's Creative Side said...

I think I'll take the recall over an epidemic! Thanks for picking up the medicine for us. :)