Saturday, November 6, 2010

Six Word Saturday...November 6

My six words for today are: I believe this ballerina is tired!
Tuesdays are busy days for granddaughter, Madison.
She has preshool from 9-12, then dance class from 4-5.
Sometimes she just has to stop and take a "finger-sucking" break.
I'm pretty sure I see an orthodontist in Madison's future...
She comes from a long line of thumb and finger suckers!

Thanks to Cate for hostig this fun meme!


NanaDiana said...

Indeed! I'd say she is pooped! (my 6 word response)>: Diana

Mary said...

Bless her heart! She does have a busy Tuesday!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

agree, so cute image.
love your 6 words.