She loves to help feed the dogs, rabbits, and fish. She's very careful and precise in dumping the food into the dogs careful that the dogs get impatient sometimes!
Her newest way of helping is to water the flowers. She does good for about a minute--man, she'll blow the blossoms right off those flowers with a stream of water--then her mind begins to wander...She'll begin to she'll begin to water everything except the flowers. Her mom says Madison cannot multi-task! I guess her humming affects her aim!
It's okay, Madison, the entire yard can use a little watering...and your shoes needed rinsing, too...
LOL- I didn't realize (because I'm still kind of new here-have some patience with me) that your kids lived right next door. You're right-I'll bet it's a mixed blessing. What a joy though to have such hands-on grandparenting. We have lots of it too and I am blessed! SweetCheeks was not allowed to touch the hose last year because she would squirt it right through the open windows or anywhere else. It is too early for us to use hoses yet here so maybe she will be better this year~yeah-right! By the way-Maddie's shoes don't look to muddy to me-did she already track all the mud off them and onto your floor?>)
What a wonderful thing for her to be next door! I wish my kids had that opportunity.
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