Friday, January 21, 2011

House Clothes...

My daughter came over yesterday and told me that she had a story for this blog. It seems that Maddie has been "at it" again.

Yesterday morning was a school day for Madison. She only attends "Wee Ones" on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Normally, Brandy takes Madison to school, runs errands in town for three hours, then swings back by to pick her up.

Yesterday Brandy decided to just go back home and do some housework, so she put on a t-shirt and sweatpants, instead of the usual jeans and top. When Madison saw what Brandy had put on, she quickly said "Mama, those clothes aren't appropriate to wear to school!" Those are your "at home" clothes."

How funny that Madison noticed what her mama was wearing! In the past, we've even seen some mothers still wearing their pajamas while they drop off their kids at school! Apparently, their children aren't very observant--or maybe they just aren't as opinionated as Maddie!

Chastised by a 4-year-old...We got a good laugh from that one! By the way...Brandy has a t-shirt that says the same thing as the one at the top of this post!


Jennifer said...

What a hilarious story?? Kids are so observant and smarter than we think! My lil' man hates it when his daddy wears shorts. He crys for daddy to put pants on. LOL

LC said...

Observant AND vocal! That's Maddie! Thanks for sharing!