I have an older version of this toy at my house that I bought at a thrift store. One day I showed Caden my little driver dashboard and he really seemed to like it. He enjoyed pushing all of the buttons and listening to the noise. He tried out every button on it!

Recently, on a shopping trip to K-mart I found a new version of the same toy. This one has a lot more "bells and whistles" than mine does. I couldn't help myself, I bought it for Caden. I waited until his next visit to give him the toy. When I FINALLY got it out of the box, he loved it! He pressed every button on there and even learned how to turn the wheel and blow the horn! When he presses the horn, it blows and a voice says, "Get out of the way!"
Nothing like teaching road rage to babies!!! It also has a little shifter handle that makes sounds a car taking off at full speed when pushed up. Pulling the handle the other way makes sounds like tires squealing from hitting the breaks, and says "urrrrtttt, we're here!!!" Too funny.....

Anyway, I sent the toy home with Caden. I hope he is enjoying playing with it. The other night my husband, Ed, went to Caden's house for a few minutes. I asked him if Caden was playing with his dashboard. He told me that he saw there it on the floor, but it was turned off---then he said, "but I was sure to turn it on for him before I left." I guess Cade's mama and daddy got tired of "hearing" him learn how to drive....gotta' love it!
Today is the last day to scroll down and suggest a caption for my "Give This Photo a Caption Contest....winner will be announced tomorrow!

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