Thursday, June 17, 2010

Family Tradition...

Cade's mother had a dental appointment yesterday afternoon, so the little fella' spent the afternoon at MiMi's house.

Not long after Cade arrived, I went into the kitchen to make some egg salad for lunch. While I was busy peeling and chopping the eggs...guess what Cade was doing?

He was busy pulling out the kitchen chair, climbing up in it, then climbing up on top of the kitchen table! I grabbed him just as he crawled on top of the table!

According to Cade's other grandmother, his mother enjoyed pulling this same "stunt" when she was a "wee one". So, I guess he's just following a family tradition...


NanaDiana said...

LOL-Watch out for standing ladders that go to the roof. We had a climber too!

Christina's Creative Side said...

I can think of just a couple things he's afraid of... heights isn't one of them! :}