Monday, August 24, 2009

Not Me, Monday...

Life around our house is so funny and crazy! Not just on Mondays, but every day...Nothing like a lively "nearly three year old" to keep it exciting. It's particularly fun now that Madison is getting more verbal.

She's always loved to talk, since she was a baby, and I believe that she always knew what she was saying....we just couldn't figure it out! Things have gotten a lot better, but we still have our days...

Like today when Madison wanted to watch "something" on television. At first, I thought she said she wanted to watch "beauty shop", then we thought she said "nudie show"...and her daddy said "What channel is that on?"(LOL) The last time it sounded like she was saying "music box" ...There were several of us in the room and nobody could figure out what she wanted to watch! Madison just got this "OH BROTHER!" look on her face....we never did figure it out!

All of this confusion happened immediately following lunch when Madison was denied a piece of MiMi's chocolate cake "because she just can't like her peas!" Poor Maddie! Could her day get any worse???

The real "kicker" to the day was when Madison and family came back for supper in the evening. Madison's mother was telling me that Madison's new favorite movie is Tinkerbell and that they had watched "Return to Neverland"(part 2 of Peter Pan) this afternoon. My husband who was in the kitchen with us at the time, but just heard the "Return to Neverland" part of the conversation said, "Ya'll been watching that Michael Jackson stuff"?!!! I am sorry, but I just lost it!!! I nearly wet my pants from laughing so hard...

That's it for our crazy Mondays, and other days....head on over to Mckmama's blog carnival and see what else crazy is going on. Thanks for stopping by ya'll!

1 comment:

Our Life Version 6.0 said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Your "Neverland" Not Me was so funny!