Thursday, January 14, 2010

Friday's Giveaway...Children's Activities

Unfortunately, I did not have enough participation in last week's contest to give this prize away, so I've added one more activity to it for this weekend. Apparently, only one person was willing to play MiMi's Trivia Game last weekend. That person's name will be entered in this week's contest twice because they answered two questions.

This weekend we will play MiMi's Trivia With A Twist! I will give you two choices to the blog trivia questions--you have to pick the correct one! Leave your guess in the form of a comment. You can answer up to two questions for two chances to win...Are you ready? Let's go!!! Good luck!

What was Cade dressed as on his birthday invitation? a bear or a monkey(12/2 post)

Who gave Cade his first haircut? his mother or his aunt (12/17 post)

What did I buy Cade for his birthday? a riding toy or a chair (12/2 post)

What happened to my daughter-in-law's car? she wrecked it or she got it bogged down (12/28 post)

What "took out" one of my spiral Christmas trees? the cat or the wind(12/28 post)

What two things did Madison ask Santa for? a doll and a bicycle or a castle and a kitchen (12/29 post)

What did Madison say when she saw her gifts? "Wow!" or "Ho Ho brought everything!"(12/29 post)

How many games did Madison win when I played with her? one or three (1/12 post)

What game did I play with Madison? Lucky Ducks or Candyland Castle (1/12 post)

Where did Brandy and I take Madison to get her out of the house? to the park or to the mall (1/13 post)

Thanks for participating! Have a great weekend everyone!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Click here to see the entire Giveaway Blog Hop List....


Marina@EBMR said...

Madison said when she saw her gifts? "Ho Ho brought everything!"(12/29 post)

Marina@EBMR said...

Cade dressed as a cute little monkey on his b'day invite(12/2 post)